Wednesday, February 06, 2008

BELIT....selagi boleh!


echah_syed said...

menegakkan benang yg basah hohoho..

Mazza Homemade Cookies said...

haha!..good entry AbgJas...saya suka..

macam2 style manusia skrg....semuanya tak boleh pakai...

shafarina said...

Itulah... semua org cakap benda yg sama...

Unfortunately, bagi saya scr personal, kaum datok L memang kaki tipu.. walaupun sah² dah

ps: kaum lain pun ada kaki tipu juga

AbGJaS said...

Hi Combi,
Sbnrnya tajuk asal entry ni'benang basah' abgjas tukar last minute...hehe

Hi myfisol,
...semuanya tak boleh pakai...hmmm ada benarnya tu..

Hi Wan,
Sandiwara tu Wan, supaya nampak lebih telus..

Kaum datok L memang kaki tipu....wuihh kenyataan sensitif tu.
Nasib baik ada 'buffer' dihujung - kaum lainpun ada kaki tipu juga.

aria ayumi said...

err abgjas... diya tak bape paham entry ni... ade kaitan ngan politik ke? *nampak sgt tak baca paper* :p

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

patut ada 3 column ni abgjas...

KeL@T said...

kan suda kantoiiiii... ekekeke

Anonymous said...

salam..hai..nice blog..

are you an artist? nice!

AbGJaS said...

Hi Diya,
Haa..tu laa, budak u kena baca paper jugak tu. Kartun tu pasal isu vcd pak menteri dan seorang peguam yg hangat skrg ni.. Abgjas nak pin point sikap manusia yg sanggup buat apa saja utk elak terhukum dr kesalahan sendiri.

Hi Mangosteenskin,
Mulanya begitu, patut ada kaum melayukan? Tp x de isu politik yg panas. Isu artis melayu byk le..

Hi Kelat,
Salam perkenalan. Namanya kelat, rupanya kiut....kantoi..hehe

Hi Keyroul,
Salam perkenalan. May be an amature.

Noushy Syah said...

tehehhehe..Abg Jas,I like the second one, ahakss...Datuk L how about go to the crime scene and do the DNA test!! Will see how his reaction then..

As for the top one, I think that's more to those power-crazy politicians!

Have a gr8 w/end and keep smiling.
Thanks for the post!

Azer Mantessa said...


hehehe ... good one.

sekarang nih ada style baru ... tak yah cakap bohong ... cakap ja:


AbGJaS said...

Hi Noushy,
Dont be so sure Noushy, people like these can ask somebody to change the scene and the sample..

Gr8 day to u too :)

Hi Azer,
Hmm..betul tu. Setajam2 fikiran, tiba2 semua org jadi pelupa dan dungu...

Noushy Syah said...

ABg Jas..opps, yea rite! Ohhh I'm naive about this anyway..:p

On the second thaought this is for you, your blog is awesome..I love reading your blog ever since I stumbled it..tehehhehe,

kindly accept this:

Have a gr8 Monday with NO BLUES..take care.

p/s Gulppp...Azer is not blinking his eyes watching his 'male' team trying to beat the 'female' Chelsea..yekksss!

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