Monday, February 11, 2008

'THE AWARDS' kali ini bukan kartun.
Terus terang, saya bukanlah seorang yg fasih IT. Justeru, tak banyak benda dlm blog saya melainkan beberapa prasarana asas.

Namun entah macam mana dalam minggu ni, saya menerima 'anugerah' (award) daripada dua rakan blogger - Combi dan Noushy Syah. Terpinga-pinga saya camana nak ambik award tu sebab bukannya boleh dipegang seperti buah oren (Gong xi fa chai).

Justeru, saya hanya mampu meletaknya dalam post spt yg lazim. Kalau ada sesiapa sudi menghulur tangan memberitahu saya bagai mana nak letak awards tu di sisi tepi dlm blog ini, agar boleh dilihat sepanjang masa, maka saya amatlah menghargainya dan berterima kasih.

Award yg pertama ini saya terima drpd COMBI dari blog Persismutiara.

Award kedua pula daripada NOUSHY SYAH menerusi blog Noushy-award.

Saya ucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Combi dan Noushy serta para pembaca lain kerana menerima baik kehadiran 'Pedang Samurai' dalam blogsfera ini.

P/S- Sabar dulu ye, kartun akan muncul dlm tempoh terdekat.


Satu lagi award diterima drpd blogger Mangosteenskin. Terima kasih bebanyak,
U r so special to me..


Noushy Syah said...

YOOO Abg Jas..

Firstly, thanks a lot for accepting the award, i think your blog deserved it for different kind of genre...keep it up and thanks again.

2/Did you use an old template(classic) or new template or lay out(drag and drop)

3/To put at side bar:

For classic/old template:
-->save the image in free image hosting eg one account)
-->then copy the html code
-->go to your blog template
-->copy and paste the html code at side bar where you want to place it, for example you want to paste it above the link,you can make the title such as The awards(just have a look at the code on how the title is created, then paste the html of the image below the title.

If you're using new layout(drag n drop)
--->go to template
--->at right side click at add page element
--->a page to choose a new page element pop out
--->go to HTML/Javascript,click ADD TO BLOG
--->a page on configure HTML/Javascript will open
at content paste the image html
and at title you just add what's the title you want to name.
--->save changes
--->after save changes you can drag and drop to arrange the image whenever you want.

ABg Jas, I'mnot that good either in this, but I hope my dummy explanation would give you some help.Give it a try!

Have a gr8 day and keep smiling.

AbGJaS said...

Hi Noushy,
Thank u sooo much Noushy. You have been very helpful all these while.

Okay, i'll give it a try..

Dummy explanation? Perfect for an idiot like me...hahahahah!!

shafarina said...

Congrats Abgjas! Skang dah glamer.

echah_syed said...

abgjas TQ arr sudi terima award dari combi tu..

dah bole letak dlm gerobok ker award tu??? :p

AbGJaS said...

Hi Wan,
TQ ats ucapan Wan. Ada glamer juga rupanya dlm dunia blog nih..

Hi Combi,
Kecik tpk tgn, nyiru abgjas tadahkan.

echah_syed said...

wahh ! pandai dah tu simpan dlm gerobok sume award.. :p

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