Friday, November 07, 2008

OBAMA: A New Hope?

"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our DEMOCRACY, tonight is your answer"

P/S: Despite all that, it took almost 200 years for the american people to have their first black president.

....and yet, we have just passed our 50 years of independence.


echah_syed said...

kun fayakun..! :)


Iliana said...

muehehehe...a new hope maybe..or will it be???

Mazza Homemade Cookies said...

America! Obama!..should we care?..

Blank said...

inilah permulaan satu pembaharuan.

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

hm, berdebar2 ni menanti apa akan terjadi seterusnya. Dunia x boleh lari dari tempias2 US ni.

Itam pun itamlah...

13may said...

tunggu dan lihat :)

AbGJaS said...

Hi Combi,
manusia merancang Allah menentukan.

Hi E-leeyana,
Tq kerana sudi singgah.
...or will not be..

Hi myfisol,
Yes, we should. Look at what they did to Iraq and Afghanistan.

AbGJaS said...

Hi Greeny,
Harapnya pembaharuan ke arah yg lebih baik..

Hi Mangosteen,
Mcm manggis laa...hitam di luar, di dalam putih..

Hi 13may,
banyak betul yg kena tunggu ni..

Anonymous said...

Kita tengoklah camne..
Mungkin baik mungkin tak dapat berubah...

Lo Kelween said...

so...we still have Malaysia's history x4 to go? ahha.

it really not that important what race will succeed as the Prime minister in our country. the most important thing is one prime minister needs to be strong in his leadership and able to keep our country in peace. :)

AbGJaS said...

Hi Eel wind,
not necessarily that long eel wind, but may be not too soon.

About that PM criteria, i totally agree with u...STRONG leadership and able to keep our country in PEACE...

Hard to come by these days..

Hi Zool,
Masih ada harapan..

the indie story said...

obama agak kacak. kelihatan cerdik. bersopan santun. pandai berpidato. berjiwa besar. diterima pelbagai pihak. perjalan hidup yang unik menjadikannya jauh daripada sifat perkauman. mennghormati pelbagai budaya dan agama. seorang pemikir dan penggerak pembaharuan.

jadi obama tidak layak untuk menggantikan bush bagi jawatan Presiden Kelab Monyet Yang Bebal Edisi Amerika.

Semoga Obama kembali kepada Islam walau pun sekadar menyembunyikannya didalam hati.

Selama berblogging kembalai wahai abgjas.


Lo Kelween said...

But I do believe our country is not mature enough to accept such changes. It's doesn't really matter to me. I don't know why there are always politicians who are trying to stir up racial issues when we are happy with the multi-racial harmony atmosphere now :)

(update your blog, abgjas!! *wink wink* ;)

arsaili said...

salam abg jas, maaf lama tak ke mari..sibuk banget sey...apa pun salam eid ul adha..hidup penuh pengorbanan..moga kita dipermudahkan menghadapinya

13may said...

salam aidiladha :)

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