Humour is a rubber sword; it allows you to make a point without drawing blood - Mary Hirsh.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Saya tidaklah bercadang untuk menjadikan blog ini berkisar kepada hal ehwal politik semata-mata. Namun kesan 'tsunami' PRU12 menyebabkan saya masih teruja untuk menelusuri perkembangannya sekali-sekala.
abgjas sejak dua menjak ni combi tgk dulu2 bloggers yg sopan santun ala lelaki melayu terakhir dah jadi mcm hg jebat..kutuk sana sini..adehh!
anak combi ckp..dulu org2 tua ckp jgn gadoh,mesti bersopan santun mcm dlm pelajaran moral kat sekolah skrg org tua2 gadoh maki hamun kutuk mengutuk..
pastu dia muda dok gelak kat org tua..dlm maknanyer tu!
anak2 skrg dah parents yg tak prasan kot..
terkedu combi :p
~ kalo gini sikap org kita tak mustahil satu hari nnt.."takkan melayu hilang didunia "tp dimane melayu tu sume..??? berpecah belah sbb parti.. :(
salam abang jas, senyum lebar hana bila tengok kartun kali ni... Ingat citer hang tuah and jebat ( yang ori..), ingat citer seniman bujang lapok ...and terlintas mengenai keadaan politik sekarang.. cantik...istana yang dilukis, begitu juga dengan muka Tuah, macam pernah ku lihat.. All the best in your career.
Hi Mangosteenskin, Hehe..keris bukan sebarang keris tu, keris dtg dari Istana.. (sambung la sendiri pantun ni..)
Salam Hana, Hi jumpa lagi! Org kata sejarah selalu berulang dgn senario/pelakon yg berlainan... namun konteks yg sama. Justeru Tuah dan Jebat pasti akan terus hidup.
Cantik istana tu?? Huhu..abgjas rasa tak rupa istana pun..
Hi Noushy, It's the hottest topic in town! This guy from Gua Musang (Kelantan) is gearing up to challenge the president in the upcoming UMNO election.
You know, it has been 20 years now since the last contest of the UMNO's top post!
Sure gonna be do or die battle, like Tuah and Jebat...
salam abgjas :D! lame eh xnampk mas kat arena bloggie ni? ade je...slaloo je silent reader je... kartun tu mesti psl hal politik x-abeh2 kat mesia kan? x abeh2 dan mcm2 ek...
ABG JAS hehhehe..and that someone from Gua Musang is KU LI<---after I read Mr Moderator's latest posting.
Now I understood perfectly the scenario of what's going on post GE in Msia. Interesting really!
p/s Just for comparison: when Labour party (opposition that time) took over Govt in UK from The conservative party,within 48rs of announcement of the new PM,Tony Blair,everything just back to nothing happened...well I'm not saying everything here is good but surely Msian politicians should open their eyes and look around the world...take the good examples from others...oopsss,sorry Abg Jas..just my 2cents..
Hi Azer, Tq ats sokongan. Abgjas akan cuba pelbagaikan isu..
Hi Moderator, Laptop dah kebah? OK, nanti abgjas akan buat kunjungan hormat. Yaa..kita tunggu sape yg kena..
Hi Noushy, Now you know the issue...hehe
I think in Malaysia, when u talk about politics, u talk about the survival of ones' religions, races, traditions etc. which goes deep down into the heart and mind.
So, it's quite difficult for us to just say what's done is done, forget everything like nothing had happened.
In the UK, between Labour party and the conservative, i dont see they have very much differences in terms of their political struggle and agendas... So, it's quite the same whichever party wins.
hahahaha *LOL*
saya sangat sukaaaaaaaa!!!!!
kalah kartun senyum kambing tuh la abgjas!
dulu combi tgk cite hg tuah ..combi marah ngn tuah sbb tak kenang jasa jebat..
mase tv black n white lagik.. :p
abgjas sejak dua menjak ni combi tgk dulu2 bloggers yg sopan santun ala lelaki melayu terakhir dah jadi mcm hg jebat..kutuk sana sini..adehh!
anak combi ckp..dulu org2 tua ckp jgn gadoh,mesti bersopan santun mcm dlm pelajaran moral kat sekolah skrg org tua2 gadoh maki hamun kutuk mengutuk..
pastu dia muda dok gelak kat org tua..dlm maknanyer tu!
anak2 skrg dah parents yg tak prasan kot..
terkedu combi :p
~ kalo gini sikap org kita tak mustahil satu hari nnt.."takkan melayu hilang didunia "tp dimane melayu tu sume..??? berpecah belah sbb parti.. :(
bersatu bawah islam, bukan bawah parti...
Hi Combi,
Abgjas rasa sikap Tuah atau Jebat tak boleh diikut 100%. Kita ambik yg mana baik drpd keduanya - setia spt Tuah, tegas spt Jebat.
Mujurlah kalau anak Combi boleh berfikir begitu. Maknanya Combi dah berjaya didik mereka dgn nilai2murni seorang insan.
Sekarang ni,org punya 1001 mcm alasan utk menghalalkan yg haram...
maki, carut boleh jd halal klu kena caranya - itu kata mereka.
Hi Wan,
Hahaha...tq tq Wan. Senyum kambing pun tak berani 'hentam' lebih2 kan?
Pasal parti tu, masalahnya, ada yg kata parti dia lah yg berjuang atas nama Islam. Justeru menolak parti mereka bermakna menolak Islam..
Seolah2 utk bersatu di bawah Islam, kena masuk parti mereka dahulu..... kompius aku.
ya begitulah kalau mau mencabar jangan lupa bawa senjata. keris pun kerislah....
salam abang jas,
senyum lebar hana bila tengok kartun kali ni...
Ingat citer hang tuah and jebat ( yang ori..), ingat citer seniman bujang lapok ...and terlintas mengenai keadaan politik sekarang..
cantik...istana yang dilukis, begitu juga dengan muka Tuah, macam pernah ku lihat..
All the best in your career.
ERRRR...I guess I need some explanation here..:(
Anyhow, nice vector Abg Jas.Thanks for sharing.
Hi Mangosteenskin,
Hehe..keris bukan sebarang keris tu, keris dtg dari Istana.. (sambung la sendiri pantun ni..)
Salam Hana,
Hi jumpa lagi! Org kata sejarah selalu berulang dgn senario/pelakon yg berlainan... namun konteks yg sama. Justeru Tuah dan Jebat pasti akan terus hidup.
Cantik istana tu?? Huhu..abgjas rasa tak rupa istana pun..
Hi Noushy,
It's the hottest topic in town!
This guy from Gua Musang (Kelantan)
is gearing up to challenge the president in the upcoming UMNO election.
You know, it has been 20 years now since the last contest of the UMNO's top post!
Sure gonna be do or die battle, like Tuah and Jebat...
U got to be here to feel the heat!
Hehe..hv a gr8 day Noushy.
salam abg jas..moga sihat selalu...macam2 ada kan skang nih
ABg JAS..appreciate your explanation.
Now I put two together...
In other words someone is going to challenge the PM aka President of UMNO aka PakLa for the seat in the coming UmNO assembly...
That someone is the guy from Gua Musang...:)
Hehhehe..surely interesting!
In other word,that guy is also interested in the post of PM, huh!? Am I rite?
Happy wekend Abg Jas. SO happenings post GE!!
salam abgjas :D!
lame eh xnampk mas kat arena bloggie ni?
ade je...slaloo je silent reader je...
kartun tu mesti psl hal politik x-abeh2 kat mesia kan?
x abeh2 dan mcm2 ek...
Hi Arsaili,
Ha'aa..macam2 ada...Malaysia boleh!
Hi Noushy,
Something like that lah Noushy..
glad if u could comprehend the scenario.
Gr8 weekdays to u Noushy..
Hi Mas,
x abeh2 psl politik? Ishh...jgn ckp mcm tu Mas. Itu je le satu2 nya kekuatan org Melayu skrg.
Dlm hal ekonomi, sains, IT... mcm melukut je..
abgjas, parti berasaskan islam tu juga parti kan... hhehehe sama je 2x5 dgn parti lain..
hal politik lagi best sebab kelakar :-)
Salam abgjas,
Sori lambat bagi respon. Sekali laptop hamba suda kena virus daa..
Nampaknya saya terpaksa "tido" satu minggu, sampai demam Laptop kebah.
Salam Ukhuwah.
salam abgjas,
Sama-samlah kita tunggu pada Disember ini apa yg akan terjadi.
Rakyat memerhati theater hodoh sebuah parti demokrati yg akhirnya hampir bertukar menjadi fasis.
entahlah...kita macam ni juga.
hehhehe..and that someone from Gua Musang is KU LI<---after I read Mr Moderator's latest posting.
Now I understood perfectly the scenario of what's going on post GE in Msia. Interesting really!
p/s Just for comparison: when Labour party (opposition that time) took over Govt in UK from The conservative party,within 48rs of announcement of the new PM,Tony Blair,everything just back to nothing happened...well I'm not saying everything here is good but surely Msian politicians should open their eyes and look around the world...take the good examples from others...oopsss,sorry Abg Jas..just my 2cents..
hehe....biarkan mereka bertarung, sekarang masa pendekar lain pula yang bekerja..
Hi Wan,
Haa..tu laa, abgjas dah kata..
Hi Azer,
Tq ats sokongan. Abgjas akan cuba pelbagaikan isu..
Hi Moderator,
Laptop dah kebah? OK, nanti abgjas akan buat kunjungan hormat.
Yaa..kita tunggu sape yg kena..
Hi Noushy,
Now you know the issue...hehe
I think in Malaysia, when u talk about politics, u talk about the survival of ones' religions, races, traditions etc.
which goes deep down into the heart and mind.
So, it's quite difficult for us to just say what's done is done, forget everything like nothing had happened.
In the UK, between Labour party and the conservative, i dont see they have very much differences in terms of their political struggle and agendas...
So, it's quite the same whichever party wins.
I think so laa..
Hv a gr8 day Noushy.
Hi myfisol,
Rasanya abgjas faham maksud myfisol tu..
politik punyer hal...
Wow..I guess now I get the better picture of the scenario of Msian politics...
Yeah rite, it's true when you mentioning about the survival of party,religions, races etc..unlike here,whichever party doesn't really matter..
Thanks Abg Jas.
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